Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Job Applications

I sometimes wonder if it's just me that thinks, "I'm putting in a job application, maybe I should read over it, maybe spell check it, before sending it in". Today I have been reading 20-odd applications for a position. About half of them had glaring mistakes. 

Things that piss me off in applications:

Saying you have impeccable English. And then miss-spelling a lot of words. Of particular note were the two people who informed me their "Martial Status: Single" - what, you only fight alone? You're some sort of ninja perhaps? Also "I like to lean". That's very nice for you but I'm not sure it's appropriate for the post we have vacant.

Intimate information. Well done to your partner for getting a new job but I'm not entirely sure what the relevance is. Oh so you're married and your wife hasn't changed her surname and you don't have any children? Am I suppose to congratulate you on your support for feminism?

Clichés. "I'm flexible, and like to work hard and play hard, but I strive for a work/life balance". If you use clichés it tells me nothing other than the fact that you like clichés. This does not make me admire you.

Photographs. Please, please do not send me a photograph with your application. Especially if it is soft focus and cheesy. This scares me.

Document titles. Right, so it's not really a surprise that you're applying for other jobs. But saving your document as "Application 90" does not inspire me with hope that you are an amazing person. You are perhaps very determined and meticulous  but still, "Application" would be preferred.

Applying for the wrong thing. If you're going to include the job title in your cover letter and say how interesting the research sounds, make sure you put in the corresponding title. Not the title for another job you're applying for. No really, I will notice. Also, if the job advert says "Applicants are expected to have a PhD in a related area", this does not mean we are offering you a PhD. I know it says PhD, but you have to read the other words too.

Monday, 13 April 2009

Hair. And Dreams.

Following on from my last post, I utterly failed to get a haircut. I have been thinking I should get a haircut for about 4months now. The problem is, my hair is utterly inoffensive. If I didn't like it I would probably have gone for a haircut by now. The last time I got my hair cut short the hairdresser was shocked and appalled that someone would want *nice* hair cut *short*. She asked me about 4 times if I was *really* sure I wanted it cut. Well yes. Otherwise I wouldn't go to a hairdresser?

Plus I find going to the hairdressers quite stressful. They can't easily cut my hair if I'm wearing glasses. But if I'm not wearing glasses, how am I supposed to know what they're doing to my hair? Plus the whole personal space issue of not really liking people with sharp implements being within say 10metres of me unless I'm at least equally well-armed.

Maybe it's not so surprising my hair is currently long. Maybe I'll just wait until the Summer is really hot (yeah right) and then have it short again.

So...I've done psychology in the past so I know a bit about dreams. The whole different brainwaves, different types of sleep etc.
But what I don't know is why my dreams are the way they are. I don't always remember dreams but I do fairly often. Mostly (like other people seemingly) I forget them very quickly apart from a vague feeling. But sometimes, I have very vivid complex dreams that don't completely fade.

The other night I dreamt there had been some sort of cataclysmic event. I think war had broken out and people were panicking and trying to flee the area I was living in. I was with my boyfriend and we were trying to get some supplies together before escaping out into the countryside. Except I remember what I was thinking whilst searching for supplies. I went into a very posh chocolate shop and was thinking how annoying it was that the first time looting becomes acceptable I find a fabulous chocolate shop and shouldn't really waste my energy carrying it. I chose one box of chocolates and then went into the back of the shop where they had booze. Then spent a while trying to work out which spirit would be most suitable. Whisky or vodka, whisky or vodka. I was thinking whisky would probably be better for keeping our spirits up. But thought maybe vodka would be better for sterilising wounds. In the end I decided it was probably worth taking both just in case. And bottles would be useful for carrying water once the spirit runs out anyway. So, next thing to consider was transport. My boyfriend decided it was a great excuse to get a motorbike. I was of the opinion horses would be more suitable given they don't need petrol and are probably better at travelling cross country.
There was a fair bit more before and after but that was the most vivid part of the dream. And very bizarre. I can still remember how I felt, dithering in front of the booze.

As far as I'm aware, most people dream about people they know, places they've been, situations they have experienced. I seem to do the opposite. The majority of people in my dreams are as far as I can tell, entirely figments of my imagination. Very occasionally I will be with someone I know but that is quite rare. Last night I even took it to a new level. I bought my lunch from someone in a shop. And then saw them again at a prize ceremony (she was getting an award). She recognised me too so we had a chat. So I'll meet people I know from my dreams, in my dreams, but won't meet people I know in real life? Locations are usually entirely unrecognisable too. It's not that it's *my* home and just looks a bit funny, it's a totally different place.

Plus it turns out my dreams normally have a cinema rating of 15. Some violence but no blood on screen. Weird huh.

Tuesday, 7 April 2009


It's funny, despite the fact I only started this blog for my own entertainment, I'm loathe to post in case it turns out boring. I have no expectations that anyone else will read this. But I keep thinking "No, that's not interesting enough to blog about". I'll just have to be more interesting!

Plans for tomorrow:
Investigate potential new career
Go to gym
Get a haircut
Magically transform into an interesting person?

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

First Post...

Well hello there. Whoever you are. And for whatever reason you're reading my blog.

I'm not entirely sure yet what I'm going to blog about so intend to blog about life, the universe, and everything until I decide. Current possibilities:
Other crafty stuff
Things I notice/read about that are interesting
Current Affairs
Other stuff that doesn't fit into the categories above

My main plan is just to blog about stuff that I'm interested in at the time. This may or may not bore/offend/interest you.